Nikola Tesla
invented and developed the alternating current, whilst Thomas Edison was so doing with the DC direct current. They were in
working relationship but had frequent and eventual major bust up. He seemed somewhat exploited by Edison!
I tentatively
submit that he [Tesla] was in the group of servers on the 5th ray line of that time, with Keely, Edison, Marconi and the Curies
ect. Though was not quit as stable as Edison or Keely. Hence his lack or recognition and bad luck with his work.
It seemed
he developed obsessive-compulsive disorder in latter years. Personally I would say then he was one of the group mentioned
by DK with Edison, but not a leading member to be named as was Keely or Edison ect.
I wouldn’t
think his death ray was of the same possibilities as Keely's work. But I don't know. On the face of things, he seemed to have
some exceptional ideas, which sometimes were used or adapted by others perhaps!
I think old
JWK is sometimes given a bit of a raw deal. As far as I am able to determine, he made great headway and was far ahead of his
time. To far ahead for the rest of his selfish peers who tried to rip him off and take over his work and experiments. They
all to quickly found that for them it didn’t work as they neither had the necessary trust or belief.
Keely was
told by the GWB to stop his work for just those reasons and then withheld much more info. The people around him were ready
to exploit him and the Vril energy of Agni, for lets say, un-scrupulous ends. I hope this did come across in the compiled
work, as I included the race to the atom bomb between the white and dark brothers. Also were included the explicit requirements
of the need for the men of goodwill to keep certain secrets of the bomb in their hands only. HPB cautioned this also as we
At best we
were left with the cold war and the space race, at worst if the Germans had developed it before the Americans, well DK tells
us in no uncertain terms.
Key hints
for us are given, with regard to Tesla.
as H. P. B. hinted, (S. D., I, 172, 607-611) had gone far along this path, and knew even more than he gave out, and
others have approached, or are approaching, the same objective." TCF 492.
Key hints
for me are the use of the words "approached" and "approaching” and are therefore secondary to JW Keely as he "discovered"
and knew "more than he gave out." I would be inclined to consider that those "others" would not have been able to continue
with their work at that time, just as Keely actually had to be stopped.
The modus
operandi is the use of Agni, mental energy. Tesla developed OCD and therefore I very much doubt had the faculty necessary
other than to approach it. Only my considered opinion though.
we well know of the close relationship between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla. Even if this was one of great turmoil and frustrated
argument, as we are well aware, this does not detract from the close special relation on a soul level which, as indicated
by the Master DK, brought us “two fifths” of the formula of truth concerning electrical phenomena.
Certain parts
(two fifths) of that formula have worked out through the achievements of such men as Edison and those who participate
in his type of endeavor. TCF 456.
This group
we might suppose consisted of Keely, Edison, Tesla, The Curies and others ect.
These fifth ray servers were Initiated into such mysteries which brought us Light, electrical energy and modern communication
such as the Telephone of Alexander Graham Bell, which was adapted in a more efficient manner by Thomas Edison.
Today we
have the internet which is a modern adaptation of Marconies radiotelegraph, which DK predicts will be the medium of the next
revelation of esoteric wisdom, the third phase.
Nikola Tesla,
as a member of this revelatory group of initiated servers brought us the AC generation of electricity which is today the usual
power supply for our homes, and pioneered radio and television as did Edison.
Thomas Edison
brought us the Tungsten light bulb which brought light quit literally into homes
on a scale and intensity un-precedented. Some biographies claim that Edison could not visualise as in a meditative discipline
of the mind, his inventive creations as Tesla could. This is totally incorrect. Edison also approached the “new force”
which he gave as certain properties of heat and magnetism. This new force was the Agni energy of Vril which was headed and
so ably dealt with by J.W.Keely and dealt with extensively by HPB in the Secret Doctrine.
Tasimeter almost brought a revolution to astronomy and cosmology were is not for the personal un-belief and therefore absence
of the energy of Agni leaving it un-perfected. We might well, all things considered, imagine the great personal trials these
Initiated servers underwent, clearly showing that although not every invention was an immediate success, they laid the formulaic
foundation for future servers to build upon. He also helped create the United States as a world industrial power.
What has
come then of Edison’s DC current? Today we see many uses for such an electrical medium. Much of which might be applied
to what we term ‘Mobile’ appliances. The Mobile phone, the laptop computer, the personal mp3 player, Tesla’s AC current is transformed into Edison’s DC current in internal usages such as most
music/recording appliances, computers, ect. Infact we would do well to consider the development of storage facility on computer
and internet servers and mp3/4files as the outcome of Edison who invented the first recording medium, the gramophone.
The ability
today to store information via magnetism and electrical charge should be seen as a direct reflection and manifestation of
Keely’s, Edison’s and Tesla’s work with Akash, or Agni. Akash being the recording medium of the akashic
records. Today this storage and communication medium is not of Agni, but as HPB states, ‘with wires’ though of
course signal transmission is not!
It is still
a monumental legacy of these three giants who laid down two fifths of the great formula of electrical energy during this fifth
subrace. Interestingly Edison, an initiated server, became great friends with
Henry T Ford. It was Edison who encouraged Ford to use the gasoline powered engine in his automobile.
August 2005.
Jeremy Condick.